empathy lifts

strength training that'll make you fall in ♥️ with yourself again

The complete monthly strength, cardio and mobility training program at home or in the gym with mindset practices.

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join now for sgd50 per month

does this sound like you?

😟 You struggle to know what to do in the gym or at home for your workouts

😟 The only thing you know about getting fitter is running, but you hate running

😟 You can't stay consistent with a routine

😟 You want to start strength training but don't know where to start

😟 You just want someone to tell you what to do

😟 You actually loathe your body - wishing you were smaller, fitter and didn't gain so much weight over the years

Well guess what? Let's change this!

How Empathy Lifts Works



At Empathy Lifts, you're going to start lifting weights, feel stronger, more mobile and flexible and love yourself again. Sounds cliche?

Not really. Because when you discover how strong and mobile you can be, you're going to start appreciating yourself even more.

Your strength program combines the four movement patterns - push, pull, squat and deadlift PLUS functional movements that is going to improve your stability, mobility and balance.



On top of the monthly Strength Training program, you're going to practice one new mindset habit every month that is going to help you rediscover yourself again by being kind, compassionate and patient no matter what life takes you through.

The result? Fall in ♥️ with yourself again and do that alongside getting stronger and fitter.

Access Your Workouts Through A Simple User-Friendly App

Empathy Lifts is delivered through an app where you can watch HD exercise demonstrations, track and log your workouts and progress through the months.

You’ll also log and track your progress as you go through the months so you can see how far you’ve come.


Daily Empathy Habits

The cornerstone of Empathy Lifts is to rediscover and fall in ❤️ with yourself again and you will do this through a daily mindset and mindfulness habit. Every month, we will introduce you to a new habit that will help you become a better version of yourself. We’re going to start taking care of your physical and mental health, together.

Monthly Guidance Video

Every month, you will have access to two Guidance videos - one for the Lifting portion of the program and one for the Empathy portion of the program.
This allows you to fully understand the upcoming month so you can be comfortable and confident with what you’re doing.


A Positive & Empathetic Community

Gain access to Empathy Lifters - a positive & empathetic community where we share our daily wins and goals, have weekly challenges and support one another through this process.

sample workout and empathy practice

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what you get when you join empathy lifts?

For just SGD50 per month, you will receive a progressive strength training program that provides:

✅ Detailed exercise descriptions and variations of each and every exercise, alongside HD exercise demonstrations
✅ Details on how to progress every week and what weight, reps and RPE to use
✅ A monthly empathetic habit and daily practices that’ll take you just 5-minutes so you can learn how to love yourself again
✅ A fun approach using various equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells.
✅ A new program every 4 weeks!

join now for sgd50 per month

created with ♥️ by coach aqilah

Coach Aqilah is a Strength & Conditioning Coach and a Personal Trainer and has been coaching individuals since 2011. She holds a Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning. Her passion is to make strength training more accessible and give people the opportunity to love themselves again no matter how they look.